DCCCuk Annual Holiday
2020 Stranraer, Dumfries & Galloway, Southwest Scotland
Saturday 1st August – Saturday 8th August 2020

Our DCCCuk holiday at Aird Donald Caravan Park, Stranraer,
the site were excellent and well organised due to the Covid-19 situation.
the facilities was very good, the weather was of mixed but warm most of the time.
Our DCCCuk holiday at Aird Donald Caravan Park, Stranraer,
the site were excellent and well organised due to the Covid-19 situation.
the facilities was very good, the weather was of mixed but warm most of the time.

Aird Donald Caravan Park
A total of 15 units turn up plus 1 tent unit and 1 could not make it due to car breakdown.
Only a 20 minutes walk to the town centre.
A total of 15 units turn up plus 1 tent unit and 1 could not make it due to car breakdown.
Only a 20 minutes walk to the town centre.

Ferry crossing
Stranraer is well know in Scotland for ferry crossing to Belfast, Northern Ireland for the day,
the ferry ports is 6 miles from the campsite. Some members manage to walk there and back,
some return by bus, it was hot and sunny on that day.
they have enjoyed the trip to Northern Ireland.
Stranraer is well know in Scotland for ferry crossing to Belfast, Northern Ireland for the day,
the ferry ports is 6 miles from the campsite. Some members manage to walk there and back,
some return by bus, it was hot and sunny on that day.
they have enjoyed the trip to Northern Ireland.

Dumfries & Galloway
There were many places to visit around the Dumfries & Galloway area.
Mostly have visit to the Mull of Galloway ( like “Land End” of Scotland ),
the scenery was amazing with good view and able to see
the Lake District, Isle of Man and Northern Ireland,
there were many cows roaming around freely.
the Lake District, Isle of Man and Northern Ireland,
there were many cows roaming around freely.

Book Town
Some members went to Wigtown where is a strange town and is Scotland’s National Book Town,
there were many book shops around a small town, ratherunbelievable!

Ken Hayes’s 80th Birthday
During the evenings we gathering in circle for socialising until dark,
on our last night gathering we had a early birthday celebrate
for one of our oldest members, Ken Haynes who will be 80th this month.
During the evenings we gathering in circle for socialising until dark,
on our last night gathering we had a early birthday celebrate
for one of our oldest members, Ken Haynes who will be 80th this month.
More own trips
At the end of our week holiday, some members return home and
others continuing their holiday to tour further up Scotland for their remaining holiday.
More photos
Click here to browse more photos of
2020 DCCCuk Annual Holiday – Stranrear, Dumfries & Galloway, Southwest Scotland.
Reported by DCCCuk Annual Holiday
by David Lewis.