5) 2011 DCCC North – Cutthorpe, Chesterfield, South Yorkshire

The Peacock
Sitting the edge of Cutthorpe, Derbyshire.


Friday 26th August 2011  till  Monday 29th August 2011
(Summer Bank Holiday Weekend)

Marshal :- Stephen Satchwell

2011 Pitch Address 
The Peacock Public House
School Hill
South Yorkshire
S42 7AS

Map / Direction
S42 7AS

The Peacock Public House

Stephen Satchwell

Site:- (Toilet in the Pub during the opening hours only.)
£8.00 per night including electric-hook-up for motor homes or caravans, £4.00 for tents.


Archived galleries photos
To be followed


(PLEASE if you have any archived photos for above to be published, please send your copied photos to dcccuk@googlemail.com)


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