At Hardwick Parks, Standlake, Near Witney, Oxfordshire, OX29 7PZ.
From Thursday 19th September to Sunday September 22nd , 2024.
3 units volunteers attended the site early (Tuesday) to prepare (erecting the marquees,
4 shelter/dome for the weekend celebrating the 50th milestone of the DCCCuk.

Campsite – Hardwick Parks
Many of us arrived on Thursday afternoon to get themselves settled
(some hook-up and some without hook-up adjacent to each other).
There were 40 units total for the whole weekend.
Very relaxing day on the Friday in two separate walking groups
(Long and Short walks), almost at the end of the day,
the rain opens and soaked some walkers but
warmed themselves up inside, others were lucky,
just got back to the site in time before the heavens open up.
The rest of the non-walkies were involved in the game
(Feeling in the Bags) and quizzes.
A hectic day on Saturday for all, including day visitors (all members of the DCCCuk)
on the Rally Field from 11am (the weather was a bit unreliable
during the afternoon – a mixture of sun, rain, drizzle and downpour).

50th Anniversary Celebration Refreshment provided.
Each Shelter/dome has its own function
Shelter One
It consists of the game as “Steeplechase”
for all members to participate.
Shelter Two
It consists of the DCCC History
(Old equipments, Old papers, Old flags,
and Old T-shirts (Marshal/Officers/Gifts etc)
were laid down beautifully to attract many members
to see how we’d cope in those days.
Shelter Three
It consists of the hot drinks only.
(Help themselves to unlimited drinks.)
Shelter Four
It consists of the seating area to relax and away
from the rain, photo booth for photos
to be taken by our Photographer.

At 12 noon, the new DCCCuk flag and the logo
was launched by our President, William Rowley.
The President gave out the speech to congratulate the DCCCuk
for reaching a milestone and are very proud to achieve this and
looks forward to many more years to come.

Smashing the cake cutting 50th Anniversary Ceremony
The delicious and superb buffet was beautifully laid down on the table inside the marquees and includes 2 cakes showing the 50th Anniversary celebration which was cut by the Chairperson,
Pauline Chesworth & the President, William Rowley.

The token of remembrance souvenirs
The souvenirs (consists of pennant includes the 50th badge,
drink coasters, pen, all with the new Logo installed)
was handed out to all units and day member visitors.
The Chairperson and the President gave out the speech to congratulate the DCCCuk for reaching a milestone and
are very proud to achieve this and looks forward
to many more years to come.

The photo of the whole group gathered was present with
the new flag in the middle, plus 6 other flags at the back,
5 flags from each regional areas and one old DCCC uk flag
which was faded away on the left side.
Once the second group photo took place, everyone
disappeared into the shelters once the cloud burst.

Fun Afternoon Activities
There were many games around
(including Steeplechase, French boules, swap balls
around, ball games, counting from the jars, mini golf,
kid’s games and feeling in the bags)
for many to play and challenge for fun.
There were many prizes in the raffle, as many of us donated plus quite a few from
outside such as Baileys, Caravan & Motorhome Club and many others.
The raffle prizes were counted to 50 + total.
Our grateful thanks to all who donated to raise funds
for the DCCCuk, which ended up raising £260.
The timing of the afternoon event went very quickly
but the celebration was to continue inside the Boat Shed before the dark comes down.
The Boat Shed cannot take 100 people to eat at the restaurant
at the same time so separated into 2 sets.
(One sitting at 4.30pm and second sitting at 6pm.)

Once after the second set of meals
We all get together to continue celebrating by
toasting the champagne (from Donator)
and a short video clip shown from years ago in ‘Sign On’ (Channel 4),
presented by one of our member Carolyn Denmark and
a further speech from those who were there 50 years ago
at the start of the DCCC namely as Godfrey Palmer,
(unfortunately he was unable to attend due to health reasons at the last minute
but he sent us the video to pass on to the audience then again failed, due to technical problems!).
Here the video of Godfrey’s speech*
(Correction from Godfrey P’s brief video saying that it was
Mike Webster who was a Chair (not Secretary) and Tony Beasley was a Secretary.)

Cutting a cake on our 50th anniversary Celebrations
William Rowley gave out some exciting news 50 years ago.
The game re-started with Quiz, World events for the last 50 years and Guesstimate.
Everyone of us enjoyed the day and a memorial one for us all to remember by.
Sunday was the AGM as usual but a brief one and a new secretary was elected.
The photos are now shown and the video from Godfrey Palmer
(one of the founders of the DCCCuk) was also shown.
On behalf of the DCCCuk Officers
We would like to thank you to those who attended
the 50th celebration and for donating the gifts to the raffles
and do hope you have had a wonderful time.
Your presence in the 50th Celebration has been worthwhile.
Thank you all so much from the bottom of our hearts.
ROLL ON for another 50 years.
More photos
Click here to browse more photos of
2024 DCCCuk 50th Anniversary Weekend Celebrations
Reported by
DCCCuk 50th Anniversary Weekend celebrations
by Paul Winterhalter