The Deaf Caravan and Camping Club (DCCC) was founded in 1974 by a small group of Deaf people since then the member has be increasing year by year. The DCCC organised monthly rally around the UK from March till December.
During the AGM in 1998, due to the increase number of members and long distance of travelling, a matter was brought up to set up regional areas to organised rallies in the North, Midlands and South area, it was agreed to set up a sub-committee chair by the belated Mr A. Monk to discussed setting up new structures of the DCCC, at the AGM in 2000 the members vote unanimously for the new structures to start from 2001 which became Deaf Caravanning and Camping Club uk. (DCCCuk.)
Another club called Welcome Deaf Camper (WDC) founded in 1986 which organised rallies for members around the London and some part of southern area decided to affiliate with the DCCCuk in 2003 and their logo still remain WDC.
During our 30 years celebration anniversary rally at Devon, the officers of the DCCCuk decided to award Mr William & Joan Rowley as our Honourable Life Presidents of the DCCCuk, they have be a member and officer role of the DCCC/DCCCuk since the DCCC was founded in 1974, the longest serving member. On 4th April 2020, our honourable Life president of DCCCuk, Mrs Joan Rowley has passed away, and our deepest sympathies go out to the Rowley’s family.
The objectives of the DCCCuk, now running over 45 years, are to oversee the regional areas that organised rallies and social events for the benefit of Deaf, Hearing Impaired and Hearing people. To promote and support of the regional area i.e. Deaf Caravanning and Camping Club North (DCCCN), Central Deaf Camping (CDC), Welcome Deaf Camper (WDC), and Deaf Campers South West (DCSW). The regional areas set up their own officers and committees and the DCCCuk shall observe and may provide facilities for the regional areas. The DCCCuk also co-operate with other organisation with the same interests as the club.
The members were received a DCCCuk rally booklet before, and at the presents we alter to use our website instead with the choices of rally programme events, the annual membership is from January to December and the AGM held in the autumn.
Anyone wish to apply for member can contact the Secretary for membership form via his email: dcccuk@googlemail.com or apply through our website.